
Accurate, timely data that is housed in a centralized data warehouse, that can be easily retrieved by or delivered to the needed point of service, that is protected by state-of-the-art security measures, and that can interface with a variety of external systems, is critical for measuring results.

  • We use management dashboards with key program status indicators to track status of our progress
  • We link outcomes metrics for each solution in the continuum to the academic and family and community support indicators to gauge the effectiveness of CPN services/solutions
  • We collect and link data regarding each student’s daily activities to monitor the challenges and successes each is having
  • We tie specific outcomes with the costs associated with achieving those outcomes to enable continued process improvement and cost effectiveness.

CPN partner Blackbaud, Inc., a leading supplier of software and services to the nonprofit sector, is leading the design, development and implementation of the system that will enable CPN to collect the real-time data and to effectively measure outcomes.